JohnsTek Analysis Center, Your Complete Solution

JohnsTek provides analytical software that provide a myriad of real-time, temporal, and predictive analytical products.  As an example, our Analytical Software is able to integrate any source of information, such as Police Records, Investigative Data, Prisoner Database, Phone Data, and Police Incident Reports to create links analysis diagrams, sharing of law enforcement data from across several agencies over large geographic areas, and visualization of organized crime or gangs on mapping and geospatial displays.

Benefits of the JohnsTek Analysis Tools include:

  • Rapid Intelligence Formulation
  • Multi-Source Products
  • Visualization of massive data
  • Product Dissemination
  • Support to ecological surveys, crisis management, law enforcement, military operations, border patrol, security services, and much more!

JohnsTek Stands Above the Rest

JohnsTek is a Strategic Technology Engineering firm, poised to support to mid-to-large corporations and government organizations internationally. JohnsTek is comprised of a proven team of seasoned former U.S. Military and Federal Law Enforcement Professionals that bring over 150 years of experience and a broad range of expertise in intelligence, security, and law enforcement. We leverage this expertise of integrating multiple systems to act as one strategic capability that provide solutions needed to get the job done effectively in Critical Infrastructure Protection, Security Operations, and Crisis Management operations.

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