JohnsTek, Incorporated wins State of South Carolina Information Security and Privacy Services Contract for Cybersecurity!

JohnsTek, Inc. has been commissioned by the State of South Carolina to provide Information Security Services in the form of Vulnerability Management, Security Risk Assessments, Penetration Testing and other Consulting Services. To perform this work to the highest level of expertise in this field, JohnsTek Inc. has formed the JohnsTek Team, comprised of JohnsTek, Inc…


Exposure of Threats and Response to Interdict Requires Integrated Communications and Analytical Capabilities

A shooting and mass casualty incident in San Francisco, interdiction of narco traffickers entering the country, and attacks in a casino resort. Repeatedly we are provided examples for the requirement of integrated communications. Gruesome as the real life examples may be, we see in the nightly news how first responder organizations with sophisticated and comprehensive support…


Drones in support of the Railway Industry?

Absolutely! Drones continue to be employed in all areas of our daily lives; railways are not an exception.  The low operational cost of drones make it an attractive alternative compared to manned aircraft and lesser capable ground sensors to conduct daily maintenance runs, inspections, surveillance and reconnaissance. As part of normal business operations railway companies…

Alert Dispatch 23JUN17 ~ By JohnsTek

ALERT DISPATCH: New Threat June 28, 2017 The following threats need YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION.  As Cyber Attack Vectors-as-a-Service become more available hackers spreading malicious code and stealing personal data to sell on the black market seem to have become more emboldened. From our Open Threat Exchange:   Petya Ransomware Sweeping Across the World NOW! Affecting…

The Intel Brief 16JUN17 ~ By JohnsTek

  Expert predictions of the growing trends in global activity in terrorism, crisis response and the affects of cyber attacks appear to be coming true. They all continue to point to ongoing events as evidence that adversarial intentions and malicious behavior will cause turmoil and disruption to normal business operations around the world.   As…


Beware: MouseOver Cyber Mine Field!

It really is a minefield out there!  A cyber minefield, but a minefield nonetheless. Cyber Threat Analyst have discovered a new malware delivery method that uses a PowerPoint file embedded in an email as its vector. The email body directs the reader to “see attached” item. The email message attempts to entice the reader by…